
    更新时间:2020-08-24 浏览数:18117


    性能特点:1、摆线减速机减速比大,效率高:一级传动减速比为9~87,双级传动减速比为 121~5133,多级组合可达数万,且针齿啮合系套式滚动摩擦, 啮合表面无相对滑动,故一级减速效率达94%。


    3、使用可靠,寿命长:因主要零件是采用高碳合金钢淬火处理 (HRC58-62),再精磨而成,且摆线齿与针齿套啮合传递至针齿形成滚动磨擦付,磨擦系数小,使啮合区无相对滑动,磨损 极小,所以经久耐用。

    4、结构紧凑,体积小:与同功率的其它减速机相比,重量体积 小1/3以上,由于是行星传动,输入轴和输出轴在同一轴线上, 以获得尽可能小的尺寸。


    功 率:0.37KW~55KW

    转 矩:150N•m~20000N•m

    传动比:单级:9-87   双级:121-7569    三级:2057-658503 



    1、摆线减速机减速比大,效率高:一级传动减速比为9~87,双级传动减速比为 121~5133,多级组合可达数万,且针齿啮合系套式滚动摩擦,啮合表面无相对滑动,故一级减速效率达94%。


    3、使用可靠,寿命长:因主要零件是采用高碳合金钢淬火处理 (HRC58-62),再精磨而成,且摆线齿与针齿套啮合传递至针齿形成滚动磨擦付,磨擦系数小,使啮合区无相对滑动,磨损极小,所以经久耐用。

    4、结构紧凑,体积小:与同功率的其它减速机相比,重量体积 小1/3以上,由于是行星传动,输入轴和输出轴在同一轴线上, 以获得尽可能小的尺寸。


    功 率:0.37KW~55KW转 矩:150N•m~20000N•m

    传动比:单级:9-87   双级:121-7569    三级:2057-658503

    摆线减速机的六个工业部标准各系列单级机型号对照表 X天津 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 B化工部 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4   B5 B6 B7 B8 B机械部 B12 B15 B18 B22 B27   B33 B39 B45 B55 JXJ江门 JXJ0 JXJ1 JXJ2 JXJ3 JXJ4   JXJ5 JXJ6 JXJ7 JXJ8 BJ纺织 BJ2 BJ3 BJ4 BJ5 BJ6 BJ7 B上海 B10 B11A/B11 B12/B12B B13/B13B B14 B14A B15 B16/B16B B17 B18  

    摆线减速机的六个工业部标准各系列单级机型号对照表 X天津 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 B化工部 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B机械部 B12 B15 B18 B22 B27 B33 B39 B45 B55 JXJ江门 JXJ0 JXJ1 JXJ2 JXJ3 JXJ4 JXJ5 JXJ6 JXJ7 JXJ8 BJ纺织 BJ2 BJ3 BJ4 BJ5 BJ6 BJ7 B上海 B10 B11A/B11 B12/B12B B13/B13B B14 B14A B15 B16/B16B B17 B18  各系列双级机型号对照表 X天津 X32 X42 X53 X63 X74 X84 X85 X95 X106 X117 B化工部 B10 B20 B31 B41 B52 B53 B63 B74 B85 B机械部 B1512 B1812 B2215 B2715 B3318 B3322 B3922 B4527 B5527 JXJ江门 JXJE10 JXJE20 JXJE41 JXJE42 JXJE52 JXJE53 JXJE63 JXJE74 JXJE85 BJ纺织 BJ42  BJ53  BJ63  BJ74  BJ84 B上海 B110A B120A B131A B142A B142A B152 B153 B163 B173 B184AX/B cycloidal reducer is less tooth differenced planetary transmission in accordance with the principle of cycloid pin gear meshing realize deceleration a mechanical. This machine horizontal, vertical, biaxial and straight league such as assembly, is metallurgy, mining, construction, chemical, textile, light industry and other industries preferred equipment.  Performance characteristics:  1, cycloid reducer, reduction ratio, high efficiency: level reduction gear ratio of 9 ~ 87, two-stage reduction gear ratio of 121 to 5133, the multi-stage combination can reach tens of thousands, and needle tooth is the set of type rolling friction, no relative sliding mesh surface, so the reduction gear efficiency up to 94%.  2, needle wheel reducer smooth running, low noise: in operation at the same time contact tooth number, contact ratio is big, smooth operation, overload capacity is strong, vibration and low noise, various specifications of the machine has little noise.  3, the use of reliable, long life: because of the main parts are adopt high carbon alloy steel quenching (HRC58-62), fine grinding and become, again and cycloid and needle teeth meshing transmission to the tooth form rolling friction, friction coefficient is small, the meshing area with no relative sliding, wastage, so durable.  4, compact structure, small volume, compared with other reducer with power, weight is small in size by more than a third, due to the planetary transmission, the input shaft and output shaft in the same axis, to get the smallest possible size.  Technical parameters:  Power: 0.37 KW ~ 55 KW  Torque: n, m ~ 20000 n, 150 m  Ratio: single-stage: 9-87 double level: level 3, 121-7569:2057-658503  X/B cycloidal reducer is less tooth differenced planetary transmission in accordance with the principle of cycloid pin gear meshing realize deceleration a mechanical. This machine horizontal, vertical, biaxial and straight league such as assembly, is metallurgy, mining, construction, chemical, textile, light industry and other industries preferred equipment.  Performance characteristics:  1, cycloid reducer, reduction ratio, high efficiency: level reduction gear ratio of 9 ~ 87, two-stage reduction gear ratio of 121 to 5133, the multi-stage combination can reach tens of thousands, and needle tooth is the set of type rolling friction, no relative sliding mesh surface, so the reduction gear efficiency up to 94%.  2, needle wheel reducer smooth running, low noise: in operation at the same time contact tooth number, contact ratio is big, smooth operation, overload capacity is strong, vibration and low noise, various specifications of the machine has little noise.  3, the use of reliable, long life: because of the main parts are adopt high carbon alloy steel quenching (HRC58-62), fine grinding and become, again and cycloid and needle teeth meshing transmission to the tooth form rolling friction, friction coefficient is small, the meshing area with no relative sliding, wastage, so durable.  4, compact structure, small volume, compared with other reducer with power, weight is small in size by more than a third, due to the planetary transmission, the input shaft and output shaft in the same axis, to get the smallest possible size.  Technical parameters:  Power: 0.37 KW ~ 55 KW  Torque: n, m ~ 20000 n, 150 m  Ratio: single-stage: 9-87 double level: level 3, 121-7569:2057-658503  Cycloid speed reducer of six industry standards  Various series single stage type table  Tianjin X X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 by 8 X9 X10 X11  B chemical B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8  B: machinery B12 B15 B18 B22 B27 B33 B39 B45 B55  JXJ jiangmen JXJ0 JXJ1 JXJ2 JXJ3 JXJ4 JXJ5 JXJ6 JXJ7 JXJ8  BJ textile BJ2 BJ3 BJ4 BJ5 BJ6 BJ7  Shanghai B B10 B11A B11 B12 / B12B bl3 / B13B B14 B14A B15 B16 / B16B B17 B18    Cycloid speed reducer of six industry standards    Various series single stage type table  Tianjin X X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 by 8 X9 X10 X11  B chemical B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8  B: machinery B12 B15 B18 B22 B27 B33 B39 B45 B55  JXJ jiangmen JXJ0 JXJ1 JXJ2 JXJ3 JXJ4 JXJ5 JXJ6 JXJ7 JXJ8  BJ textile BJ2 BJ3 BJ4 BJ5 BJ6 BJ7  Shanghai B B10 B11A B11 B12 / B12B bl3 / B13B B14 B14A B15 B16 / B16B B17 B18  Various series two-stage model table  X tianjin X32 X42 X53 X63 X74 X84 X85 X95 X106 X117  B chemical B10 B20 B31 B41 b-52 B53 B63 B74 B85  B: machinery B1512 B1812 B2215 B2715 B3318 B3322 B3922 B4527 B5527  JXJ jiangmen JXJE10 JXJE20 JXJE41 JXJE42 JXJE52 JXJE53 JXJE63 JXJE74 JXJE85  BJ textile BJ42 BJ53 BJ63 BJ74 BJ84  Shanghai B B110A B120A B131A B142A B142A B152 B153 B163 B173 B184A  Details please visit our website, website: http://www.zjxinchengjsj.com/ welcome new and old customers to inquire, negotiate. 



加速机厂家 K系列斜齿轮螺旋锥齿轮减速机 XB系列摆线针轮减速机 F系列平行轴斜齿轮减速机 S系列轮蜗轮蜗杆减速机 RV蜗轮蜗杆减速机 T螺旋伞齿轮转向箱

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